Saturday, April 14, 2012

Joys of La Cumbre

This past week has been pretty good, besides the fact that they closed down the internet cafe in la cumbre... so it´s a 45 minute walk to the next one.  I made my dona french toast monday... which I´m not sure she liked because she only ate one piece... but she did buy more vinilla so I could make it again wednesday.  I´ve kept up the walking in the morning which is probably the best part of my day because it´s very relaxing and gives me some exercise. My dona made some sort of past alfredo the other day which was pretty good.  This last week all of the spanish goups made a stove.... it was really interesting... Next week we´re going to be doing presentations in the local schools for earth day.  We have three more weeks left in la cumbre before we head back to Santo Domingo and get our assignments.  Its making me insanely nervous, the whole not knowing and then only have like a week of knowing before your there. 

Thursday was the first day I offered to do the dishes for my dona... I started doing them and one slipped out of my hand and broke another one and itself...  I had a little ohh shit moment in my head before I told my dona... but once I told her she was really sweet about it and told me about how when her daughter was young she would do the dishes and when she would break one she would throw it out the window into the back of the house... One day my Dona walked back behind the house and found like 10 broken dishes...

In other notes I know that I´m about to miss some birthdays... if I haven´t already... so... Happy Birthday Feiven, Alana, and Jeffy!  I miss you all and I hope all is going well. 

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